
Position Title
Founding director of the UCD Blum Center

  • Blum Center for Developing Economies
  • Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics
3122 Social Sciences and Humanities

Lovell S. (Tu) Jarvis, is Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Special Assistant to the Dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis. He is Director of the Blum Center for Developing Economics. He was Divisional Associate Dean for Human Sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from 1999 to 2009. Dr. Jarvis’ research focuses on aspects of livestock development in LDCs, including supply, demand, international trade, policy, agricultural research and technical change, with an emphasis on cattle; the effect of international commodity agreements on domestic policy in exporting countries, especially as it engenders rent seeking, e.g., the effect of the International Coffee Agreement; Chilean agriculture and economic development, most recently related to the causes and consequences of the Chilean fruit boom post 1974; and, food and nutrition policies in LDC's especially as they affect the growth of young children. He has received grants and awards from NSF, USDA, the Fulbright Foundation and the Social Science Research Council, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Gamma Sigma Delta.